Introduced our first rollover type car wash machine
Equipped WAX on rollover type car wash machines
Equipped system to track outline of car shape
Introduced the tunnel type car wash machine
Introduced machine that washes and air dries at the same time
Introduced the rollover type car wash machine for buses and trucks
Equipped 225 sensor lines to recognize car shape and accessories
Introduced the tunnel type car wash machine in which both the machine and conveyor move
Equipped 335 sensor lines
Equipped a water-repellent coat
Equipped CCD camera to recognize certain car accessories through images
Introduced a car wash machine for manual washes
Equipped a 3D Car Shape Recognition System consisting of ultrasonic waves and 335 sensor lines
Started to build car wash machines with rust-proof frames
Equipped a 3D Car Shape Recognition System consisting of ultrasonic waves and 535 sensor lines
Equipped Glass-like coating Tiara Coat PREMIUM on car wash machines which were the first in the industry
Introduced our first rollover type car wash machine
Equipped system to track outline of car shape
Introduced machine that washes and dries at the same time
Equipped 225 sensor lines to recognize car shape and accessories
Equipped 335 sensor lines
Equipped CCD camera to recognize certain car accessories through images
Equipped a 3D Car Shape Recognition System consisting of ultrasonic waves and 335 sensor lines
Equipped a 3D Car Shape Recognition System consisting of ultrasonic waves and 535 sensor lines
Equipped WAX on rollover type car wash machines
Introduced the tunnel type car wash machine
Introduced the rollover type car wash machine for buses and trucks
Introduced the tunnel type car wash machine in which both the machine and conveyor move
Equipped a water repellent coat
Introduced a car wash machine for manual washes
Started to build car wash machines with rust-proof frames
Equipped Glass-like coating Tiara Coat PREMIUM on car wash machines which were the first in the industry