Initiatives for our employees
Efforts to strike a good work-life balance
MMK SEIKO’s support for women’s advancement in the workplace and thoughts about work-life balance
- (1) Policy that acknowledges life events
- In pursuit of flexible working styles that accommodate each and everyone’s life cycles, we have developed a wide variety of policies by PDCA cycle from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives. Specifically, we have prepared many kinds of extra work leave (e.g. anniversary holidays, one-man operation support leave, allowances and support money, shorter working hours, and working from home (employed and non-employed types) based on workers’ circumstances such as marriages, birth of children, childcare, nursing, and spouse’s job transfers. In addition, we are also striving to support the raising of next generations by, for example, introducing an orphanage scholarship and children’s educational support for current workers.
- (2) Career Support
- We have stepped-up efforts to actively appoint and train female managers. Specifically, we have prepared seminars for female students before joining the company, mentor programs for young employees, female career training support, female employees’ lunch meetings, meetings with female executives, direct reports to the president, and re-employment programs for former employees. We intend to keep promoting a balance between private and work lives (work-life balance) and to put all our efforts into ensuring that all employees can excel at their jobs at any stage of life.
We intend to keep promoting a balance between private and working lives (work-life balance) and to put all our efforts into ensuring that all employees can excel at their jobs whatever their stage of life.
Main programs
Gift of money for marriage | This program gives a gift of money to employees getting married. |
Kids support fund program | This program financially supports employees or employees’ spouses whom gave birth. 50,000 yen is given for the first child, 100,000 yen for the second, and 250,000 yen for the third or subsequent children. |
Internal childcare leave | This is a consecutive 5-day paid leave program for a period spanning 1 year and 6 months from the date of child’s birth (2 years and 6 months when extending childcare leave to 2 years). |
Shorter working hours program | Program that allows shorter working hours until child reaches 3rd year of elementary school. |
Re-employment program (former employees) | This program creates the opportunity to re-employ former employees who left the company for reasons such as marriage, spouse’s job transfer, or to nurse a relative. It aims to make the most of these former employees’ abilities. |
Employment-type home working (telework) | This program can be used by employees who are unable to go to office for reasons such as marriage, spouse’s job transfer, or nursing a family member. Employees can use the shorter working hours and flextime programs. |
Non-employment-type home working (telework) | Employees can use this after leaving the company due to getting married, nursing a relative, etc. This program recognizes diverse lifestyles and work styles, while maximizing that person’s skills. |
Anniversary holiday | Paid leave that can be taken on a personal anniversary (twice a year). |
One-man operation support leave | Paid leave to support wives or husbands that are raising a child alone due to distance from family home. |
Accumulated paid leave program | System for setting aside unclaimed paid leave and using it for occasions such as nursing a relative or a personal injury or illness. |
Orphanage scholarship program | In the event that something were to happen to an employee, this program would fully bear the school expenses of the orphan until graduating university. |
Leave to attend children’s school events | Allows employees to be easily involved with children’s events such as school entrance ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, school sports days, and PTA activities. |
Chronology of Laws and Certifications

Platinum Kurumin Certification (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
We gained certification (Kurumin Certification) as a “Childcare Supporting Company” in 2008. Then we gained the special certification (Platinum Kurumin Certification) on October 20, 2015 for even higher level of commitment as a “Childcare Supporting Company”.

Shokuba Ikiiki Advance Company Certification (Nagano Prefecture)
We received certification from Nagano Prefecture for putting ideas into practice such as improving work environment that enables well-balanced work and private lives, and introduction of various working styles such as shorter working hours for full-time employees, which provides secure employment and fills employees with enthusiasm.

Eruboshi (Stage 3) certification (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
This program is based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. We have met all five criteria and obtained Stage 3 of “Eruboshi” certification in connection with the advancement of women in the workplace. This includes hiring, continued employment, working hours, proportion of women in managerial positions, and various career courses.

Supported action declaration of “Male leaders efforts to promote women's active role in Japan” (Cabinet Office)
To support the ambitions of women and maximize their potential, our president, who is a male leader of the organization himself, supported the declaration to commit the three actions of “taking actions and sending messages ourselves”, “disrupting the status quo”, and “developing networking”.

Awarded “2017 Award for Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” (Nagano Prefecture)
As a company that has made proactive efforts to appoint women and expand women’s work fields, we were awarded the “Award for Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” at the Nagano Prefecture Gender Equality Promotion Convention held in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture.

Selected as “2017 Best Practice Company” (Nagano Prefecture)
As an advanced company that has strived to cut work hours and reform working styles, we were selected as a “Best Practice Company” by the Nagano Prefecture Labor Bureau. A wide variety of our initiatives, such as cutting overtime and promoting employees to take annual paid leave, were highly evaluated.

Obtained symbol for promoting a “workplace environment that allows employees to balance work and nursing” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
We newly established an accumulated paid leave program (up to 60 days), which allows unclaimed paid leave to be used for nursing a relative or when sustaining a personal injury or illness. As the result of promoting a workplace environment that allows employees to balance work and nursing, we obtained the “Tomonin” symbol from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Awarded top prize at “2018 Companies Supporting Future Generation Awards” (Future Generation Supporting Governor Alliance for Japanese Revitalization)
We were awarded the top prize at the “Companies Supporting Future Generation Awards” by the “Future Generation Supporting Governor Alliance for Japanese Revitalization”. This Alliance was formed to pool the wisdom of young governors and turn that wisdom into action to realize a society that supports the next generation.

“2018 Kenko ACE Company” certification (Nagano Prefecture)
We were awarded the Nagano Prefecture Governor Walking Grand Prize at the “’Health Creation Challenge Strategy’ Grand Prix for the Young Working Generation” hosted by the 2018 ACE Forum held in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture. As a result, we received “2018 Kenko ACE Company” certification.

Health and Productivity Enterprise 2020 (White 500) Certification (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
We obtained “White 500” certification by being in the top 10% of the 2328 companies applying to the Health and Productivity Enterprise Certification Program. To maintain and improve the health of employees, we are striving to create a secure working environment and to improve productivity and corporate value.